Why Bother?

I noticed that my close friend had an outdated portfolio that was barely functional. Knowing that he needed to impress potential clients with a stunning and effective showcase of his animations, I decided to lend him a hand.

Design & Development Challenge

With his birthday being a week away, I needed to buckle down and get this done quick. How am I going to do this? To get a feel of the design, we can start with a modern look then add character based off a moodboard for inspiration. After that I need to program the site using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and to speed things along I will be using a framework known as bootstrap.

Tone & Style

The portfolio had to capture braphics' personality and display his works, so the tone and style of the website needed to reflect that.

  • Style: braphics loves cartoons, animation, and Nintendo these will be were I draw inspiration from.
  • Tone: He is a very kind, playful and outgoing I need to convey this through the copy, colors, and patterns.

Design and Development


In crafting the moodboard, I incorporated some of braphics' favorite styles and inspirations. Mario holds a special place in his heart, and the vibrant colors truly capture his essence: fun-loving, outgoing, and spontaneous. I'm hoping this site brings a wave of nostalgia every time he sees it.


The portfolio had to be usable on both desktop and mobile devices. CSS media queries were essential for accommodating these screen sizes. Given that the portfolio is primarily visual, extensive backend development was not required, except for some animations and quality-of-life features.

Furthermore, I intended to leave certain sections of the site partially unfinished. This approach allows us to collaborate together, tailoring his portfolio with his actual works rather than using placeholders.



He was filled with joy when I revealed his new website to him. He appreciated the fact that I left it unfinished, giving him the opportunity to contribute his own input. It's always gratifying to do something kind for such a wonderful individual.
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